The scene: Sexy dance yoga day! My dear friend is a Feng Shui Consultant, and we spoke over an hour on the phone today discussing my property and house floor plan. It feels important to know energy this way. After all, everything is one thing - it is energy, and Feng Shui is an ancient study of energy that's passed the test of time. With that being said, there's an energetic *Treat* for you in the 'Discovery' section of today's entry if you'd like to receive it!
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: 16 oz OJ
Lunch: 1 spiralized zucchini; 1 tomato; 1/3 C sunflower sprouts; 2 T pea sprouts; 1 T purple onion; 4 botija olives; 1/2 avocado; Dressing: olive oil, salt, apple cider vinegar; 3 T chia cookie dough
Snack: 16 oz sparkling water
Dinner: 1 C romaine; 1 small tomato; 1/3 C sunflower sprouts; 2 T pea sprouts; 2 T broccoli; 1 T zucchini; 4 botija olives; Tahini Garlic Dressing; 2 T chia cookie dough

- OJ
- Salads had nice variety to get my nutrient fix. The body can be compared to the human eye. Our eyes are designed to enjoy and thrive on a rainbow of colors. If our eyes were put on a diet of only black and white - our experience of life would be deficient and less vibrant. Throw in splashes of fresh color with your meals - you are the artist and your body the canvas --- ah a moment of poetic prose. It's not only healthy, but pretty! In fact, I just bought glass bowls so I could delight in the wonder of my morsels.

I'm thrilled to be dancing in the circle of giving and receiving ~ There is abundance here on Earth! In that spirit of plenty, Dara Palmer is extending a *gift* to you - the Becoming Younger Family (I love writing that). If you email her your request, she will provide you with a complimentary Feng Shui Personal Element Profile! I got mine and my hunny's profile ---- whew, explained much. Spot on - more pointedly accurate than the astrology readings I've gotten. Plus, it's a new exciting energy to get acquainted with - The Elements. Seems apt, being Earth dwellers and all.
She needs 3 basics from ya:
1. name
2. gender
3. birth date (mm/dd/yy)
You will receive an emailed profile within 24 hours. Ta-dah!

*To unwrap this extra special gift* - your very own Feng Shui Personal Element Profile - send an email with your 3 basics to:
Dara Palmer is a sweet angel with a heart of golden feathers - I particularly admire you Dara, for your wide wings of accepting people for who they are and seeing beauty there....and for guiding us into the flow of the best life possible.
*Dara provides private consultations by phone as requested.
**For "on site" Feng Shui consultations, she serves the Inland Empire.

Wednesday April 28th

The scene: Mo-Co today - hip hip hooray! We make to-do lists for the week and hold each other accountable to do them. What a blessing in my life - keeps me moving, motivated, and on top of things. Also today, Joshua helped me measure our entire property for Feng Shui accuracy. I was like a kid, all excited about Energy and making a nice home for things to flow in and out --- like a clean colon - makes a world of difference, eh?
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: 1 T chia cookie dough; 1 banana
Lunch: 4 small sun-dried tomato sunflower crackers; 1/4 C guacamole; 3 small pieces onion bread; 1 x chia moon drop
Dinner: 5 small pieces onion bread; 1/4 C guacamole; 1 C romaine; tahini garlic dressing; 2 dates; 1 T almond butter
PM: 8 oz sparkly water

- Water in the mornin'
- OJ
- I ate a meal for breakfast today, which I rarely do lately. Walker had a hearty breakfast every morning - the same breakfast, in fact, for 11 years.
- No snacks

- Purple Onions make me gasey! Not the chives or green onions, and sweet white onions are pretty tame. But purple - watch out! I put it on my salads yesterday and my guacamole today.
- Cool Trick for Guacamole - add diced celery for a crunch texture and salty fix!
- I've been reinspired as to the Power of my favorite partnership question. When asking for support or something you need in relationship, end by asking:

Whether they need a reminder, clarification, some gift in exchange, or a gushy pat on the back when it's all said and done (always a good idea) --- this question let's the person know 3 things:
1. This isn't a demand
2. We're in this together
3. I respect what you are doing for me
I'm curious about the chia cookie dough.Do you make it yourself or buy it?
ReplyDeleteLove your blog!
I was just going to ask the same thing as Karen. A recipe would be lovely :)