The scene: I volunteered with my favorite company - PAX - at a workshop in LA called Men and Marriage. This entry may be particularly helpful for raw food travel ideas.
For 3 days away I made:
2 C thin salad dressing: tahini, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, garlic, water
2 C hempy veggie dip: hempseed, olive oil, lemon, garlic, chia, nama shoyu, brewers yeast, water
2 C super food flax dip: maca, mesquite, lucuma, goji berry, flax, chia, carob, salt - all ground up - I cut apples and dip it in the powder, which tastes a bit like ground up grahm crackers
I brought:
1 head broccoli

1/2 head cauliflower
1 C sugar snap peas
4 smallish tomatoes
1 x package of washed herbs and baby greens I bought from Whole Foods
6 apples
3 bananas
2 qt fresh veggie juice
3 peppermint tea bags
2.5 gallons of purified water
coconut oil
From The Raw Food World:
3 x power wraps - flavors: italian, mexican, and curry
handful of peruvian olives
1 x mineral-rich flax cracker
1 x kelp noodle
yacon slices
Friday April 17th
Upon Rising: 32 oz water; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 32 oz veggie juice
Breakfast: 2 apples; 1/2 C super food flax dip
Lunch: 1 x power wrap; veggies with dip
Snack: 32 oz veggie juice
Dinner: 2 C mixed greens with 1/4 C kelp noodles and dressing; 4 x peruvian olives; flax cracker w/ coconut oil and salt
Saturday April 18th
Upon Rising: 32 oz water; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 32 oz Peppermint tea
Breakfast: 2 apples; 1/2 C super food flax dip
Lunch: veggies with dip; yacon slices
Snack: Banana
Dinner: 4 oz kombucha - had a headache and went to bed w/o eating
Sunday April 19th
Upon Rising: 32 oz water; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 32 oz Peppermint tea
Breakfast: 2 apples; 1/2 C super food flax dip
Lunch: veggies with dip; 1/4 C kelp noodles w/ salad dressing; yacon slices
Snack: 16 oz peppermint tea; Banana
Dinner: 1 x power wrap; 2 C greens w/ dressing; flax cracker w/ coconut oil and salt

- Water in the mornin'
- Veggie juice on the first day
- Breakfast is small and satisfying w/ many tastes present
- Variety with my mixed greens (there was like 9 different lettuce and herbs in that mix!)

- I usually eat more balanced when I'm busy and away from home, with less choices and more to occupy my energy and focus. Less choice can mean freedom sometimes. There are days I look at my dog and wish I could have it that easy - meals prepared and served without choice - he eats healthier than I do!

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