The scene: Farmer's Market and the weather is F-I-N-E! Went with my Goddaughter to see the new flick Monsters vs. Aliens - not the most riveting as I did feel my buttock getting sore, which usually goes unnoticed if the movie is excellent.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
Breakfast: 1 strawberry; 1/8th lb sunflower greens
Lunch: 2 T sprouted peas; 1/2 avocado; 3 T sunflower seeds; 3 scallions; 1 tomato; 1 C romaine; Dressing: nama shoyu, black salt, apple cider vinegar, walnut oil
Snack: 16 oz veggie juice
Dinner: 1/4th C pesto from Cafe Gratitude chefing book; 1 1/2 small zucchini spiralized into angel hair pasta; 1 tomato; 5 botija olives; 3 T chia cookie dough

- Veggie Juice!
- SUPER Sunflower sprouts - Norman Walker suggests a small amount of sprouts daily for their concentrated absorbable protein and off-the chart amount of nutrients - he often had mung bean sprouts in his breakfast or lunch...

I received a question from one of you wonders and wanted to share the answer with everyone.
Q: I want to do a 2-day juice fast. Do you have any juice recipes to recommend that won't cause too drastic a detox? {I'm paraphrasing as I lost our initial email}
A: 2 days of juicing is usually pretty harmless, unless you have a rather extreme condition going on in your body. In that case, it would be best to be under the supervision of a caring holistic practitioner.
Keeping Detox in Mind
- I wouldn't recommend much fruit juice (16 oz per day should be okay) - such as apple or orange juice - fruit stirs up waste in the body, causing possible annoying detox symptoms like headache, fatigue, and nausea. Fruit juice can also wreak a bit of havoc with the blood sugar, especially if you are just doing juices.
- For the ultra-mild experience, you may want to use nut milk or blended salads in addition to your juicing. This is a very safe approach and still allows the body a well-deserved rest.
- 3-4 lb carrots, 1 head romaine, 2 handful spinach, and 1 stalk celery - kinda tastes like chocolate milk
- 1 beet, 3 lb carrot, 1.5 inch ginger - a nice sweet zinger
- Carrot 16 oz and Cabbage 8 oz
- Seriously - just put some veggies in the juicer - make sure to add enough car
rot to make it num-a-licious and you've got a winner - or at least something drinkable!
- Watery veggies like cucumber and celery are valuable to include and give you more juice...
- I am just beginning to dabble into a 'greens only' juice and don't have a winning combination as of yet - however, adding a little lime juice is a trick that works pretty well to dilute the bitter effect. Angela Stokes does green juice daily, and although she doesn't give measurements, you can get a sense of the ingredients from reading her daily food journal.
- As a nice variety, you might try coconut water with 1 T of green food - Greener Grasses is my absolute favorite for this drink. You usually need to gently blend to discourage the clump-factor.
- If your goal is to gently cleanse and give the digestive system a rest - drink as much juice as you'd like!
- If you are exterminating candida - sorry but carrots and apples might be out - granny smith green apples are okay though.
- If you are on the hunt for Intense Major Detox - well...mostly water and a maybe 2 quarts of juice a day --- greens primarily.
Monday April 27th
The scene: Workday at The Raw Food World. Changing phone companies - gave me trouble. I was able to practice spiritual patience for almost two hours - then my human wanted to kick some 'reach out and touch someone' ass.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: ----
Lunch: 32 oz veggie Juice; 2 T chia cookie dough
Dinner: 1/4th C pesto from Cafe Gratitude chefing book; 1 1/2 small zucchini spiralized into angel hair pasta; 1 tomato; 5 botija olives
PM: 1/2 C chia cookie dough; 32 oz veggie juice

- I LOVE veggie juice! Nothing satisfies quite like it. This blend was heavy carrot and it makes such a difference in my level of fullness and satisfaction. Might not be hard core green, but it works for me! Walker loved carrot juice most of all for its nutrient and healing qualities. Nummers!

When we are in relationship, whether it be with our bodies, our loved ones, or the world, there are things we can control, and things we cannot control.
"The 90/10 principle. 10% of life is made up of what happens to you...90% of life is decided by how you react." Stephen Covey

Let the Tantrum BEGIN: Dag-nabit! In the thick of emotion, I dislike very much hearing that my reaction creates the vast majority of my experience, rather then getting to blame life, God, or the people I interpret as pooping on my world. AND the truth gets even more loud and annoying:
"Absolutely everything we do, give, say or even think is like a will come back to us."
I favor the law of attraction when it works in my favor! That sentence gives me the 'boomerang' heebeegeebees! Makes me think. Makes me quiet inside. It's one thing to lash out, its another to realize I'm only ever lashing myself - goes along with the whole We Are One gobbleygoop.
I cannot deny that this Law does offer the gift of considerable freedom from external conditions if I can befriend it. Alright FINE!
Tantrum Complete.

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