Day 38&39 ----> Becoming Younger

Thursday April 30th
The scene:
Now that I measured my Exterior Property, today I am measuring my house itself for Feng Shui purposes. Hunny and I had a movie marathon and I stayed up way past this princesses bed time!

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: 16 oz OJ
Lunch: 5 pieces onion bread; 1/2 C guacamole (lots of celery); 1 C romaine; 1 roma tomato; tahini garlic dressing; 1 date
Dinner: 4 pieces onion bread; 1/3 C guacamole (heavy celery) 1 young coconut meat and water

What was Walker about today?
  • Water - To form Habits I want, I need to set myself up for success. With my morning agua, I put it right by my bedside the night before (actually Hunny does it for me). In the AM, I groggily sit up, put enzymes on my tongue, drink, and lie back down for a nice meditation or further snoozing. I get up when the waters moved through me enough to say, "Time to pee!"

What did I discover today?
  • A few of you have expressed your desire for the chia cookie dough recipe. I can understand why! You must be sensing the sheer awesomeness it possesses for a truly awesome taste experience that will leave you awe struck and muttering the single word "awesome"! ((Kung Fu Panda fan anyone?)) It will be my delight to make a chefing video for you within the week.
  • In yesterday's post, I mentioned my friend and Feng Shui Consultant extraordinaire! Dara was more than a bit surprised when I told her the number of subscribers who received the post yesterday. If you have emailed Dara for your Feng Shui Profile, it may take more than 24 hours to find a gift in your inbox. Gracias for your patience...

Friday May 1st
The scene: The lovely Miss Angela Stokes is here for a visit and called a reuniting of our Women's Song Circle - a group I started a few years back which has since taken a bit of a hibernation. At Angela's request, I will be assisting a Women's Song Circle at their wedding festival, and tonight was a chance to be reminded of our favorite songs.

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: ------
Lunch: 5 pieces onion bread; 1/2 C guacamole (lots of celery); 1 x bag of cheesy kale chips
Dinner: 4 pieces onion bread; 1/3 C guacamole (heavy celery); 1 C romaine; 1 roma tomato; tahini garlic dressing; 4 dates w/ 2 T almond butter
PM: 8 oz Peppermint tea

What was Walker about today?
  • Not a thing.
  • Well...I didn't snack, but my meals were so close together that I did overlap; in other words, I think started eating before the previous meal was digested. Overlaping meals causes a traffic collision pile up in the digestive system - a fermentation mess!

What did I discover today?
  • I stayed up late last night, didn't have my OJ this morning, started eating late in the day, onion bread is all I want, haven't juiced in 3 days, and I couldn't stop my munchies.
  • Finally I decided to do an enema, even though my movements were moving just fine, if you know what I mean...
  • Sweet Relief!!! Evidently, a bit of a healing crisis - junk wanted to get out. If junk doesn't find it's way out, it causes cravings for junk - misery likes company I suppose.
  • I truly don't know how people, especially Raw, survive without a way to cleanse the colon when necessary. Whenever we take steps to improve our diet (no matter how small), the body releases waste from the cells - THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT LEAVES THE BODY. The displaced waste has been evicted, and just hangs out on the street and in the alleys of the bloodstream - causing cravings and symptoms of detox. It needs to actually Leave the body through either the skin, urine, or bowels. With the likely deterioration of most people's elimination pathways, having been subjected to a less than optimal diet and lifestyle, it's a bit optimistic to think the body can do a great job without any assistance.
  • I thank God for enemas. That's just the bottom line truth. I say it Loud and I say it Proud!
  • A few decades ago, there used to be an enema bag on the back of nearly every door in America. It was a healing tool for bad temper, insomnia, colds, tummy aches - for young and old lovelies alike. The humble pink bag of power.

Day 36&37 ----> Becoming Younger

Tuesday April 28th
The scene:
Sexy dance yoga day! My dear friend is a Feng Shui Consultant, and we spoke over an hour on the phone today discussing my property and house floor plan. It feels important to know energy this way. After all, everything is one thing - it is energy, and Feng Shui is an ancient study of energy that's passed the test of time. With that being said, there's an energetic *Treat* for you in the 'Discovery' section of today's entry if you'd like to receive it!

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: 16 oz OJ
Lunch: 1 spiralized zucchini; 1 tomato; 1/3 C sunflower sprouts; 2 T pea sprouts; 1 T purple onion; 4 botija olives; 1/2 avocado; Dressing: olive oil, salt, apple cider vinegar; 3 T chia cookie dough
Snack: 16 oz sparkling water
Dinner: 1 C romaine; 1 small tomato; 1/3 C sunflower sprouts; 2 T pea sprouts; 2 T broccoli; 1 T zucchini; 4 botija olives; Tahini Garlic Dressing; 2 T chia cookie dough

What was Walker about today?
  • OJ
  • Salads had nice variety to get my nutrient fix. The body can be compared to the human eye. Our eyes are designed to enjoy and thrive on a rainbow of colors. If our eyes were put on a diet of only black and white - our experience of life would be deficient and less vibrant. Throw in splashes of fresh color with your meals - you are the artist and your body the canvas --- ah a moment of poetic prose. It's not only healthy, but pretty! In fact, I just bought glass bowls so I could delight in the wonder of my morsels.

What did I discover today?
I'm thrilled to be dancing in the circle of giving and receiving ~ There is abundance here on Earth! In that spirit of plenty, Dara Palmer is extending a *gift* to you - the Becoming Younger Family (I love writing that). If you email her your request, she will provide you with a complimentary Feng Shui Personal Element Profile! I got mine and my hunny's profile ---- whew, explained much. Spot on - more pointedly accurate than the astrology readings I've gotten. Plus, it's a new exciting energy to get acquainted with - The Elements. Seems apt, being Earth dwellers and all.

She needs 3 basics from ya:
1. name
2. gender
3. birth date (mm/dd/yy)
You will receive an emailed profile within 24 hours. Ta-dah!

*To unwrap this extra special gift* - your very own Feng Shui Personal Element Profile - send an email with your 3 basics to:

Dara Palmer is a sweet angel with a heart of golden feathers - I particularly admire you Dara, for your wide wings of accepting people for who they are and seeing beauty there....and for guiding us into the flow of the best life possible.

*Dara provides private consultations by phone as requested.
**For "on site" Feng Shui consultations, she serves the Inland Empire.

Wednesday April 28th
The scene: Mo-Co today - hip hip hooray! We make to-do lists for the week and hold each other accountable to do them. What a blessing in my life - keeps me moving, motivated, and on top of things. Also today, Joshua helped me measure our entire property for Feng Shui accuracy. I was like a kid, all excited about Energy and making a nice home for things to flow in and out --- like a clean colon - makes a world of difference, eh?

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: 1 T chia cookie dough; 1 banana
Lunch: 4 small sun-dried tomato sunflower crackers; 1/4 C guacamole; 3 small pieces onion bread; 1 x chia moon drop
Dinner: 5 small pieces onion bread; 1/4 C guacamole; 1 C romaine; tahini garlic dressing; 2 dates; 1 T almond butter
PM: 8 oz sparkly water

What was Walker about today?
  • Water in the mornin'
  • OJ
  • I ate a meal for breakfast today, which I rarely do lately. Walker had a hearty breakfast every morning - the same breakfast, in fact, for 11 years.
  • No snacks

What did I discover today?
  • Purple Onions make me gasey! Not the chives or green onions, and sweet white onions are pretty tame. But purple - watch out! I put it on my salads yesterday and my guacamole today.
  • Cool Trick for Guacamole - add diced celery for a crunch texture and salty fix!
  • I've been reinspired as to the Power of my favorite partnership question. When asking for support or something you need in relationship, end by asking:
"Is there anything you need in order to give me what I'm asking for?"

Whether they need a reminder, clarification, some gift in exchange, or a gushy pat on the back when it's all said and done (always a good idea) --- this question let's the person know 3 things:
1. This isn't a demand
2. We're in this together

3. I respect what you are doing for me

Day 34&35 ----> Becoming Younger

Sunday April 26th
The scene:
Farmer's Market and the weather is F-I-N-E! Went with my Goddaughter to see the new flick Monsters vs. Aliens - not the most riveting as I did feel my buttock getting sore, which usually goes unnoticed if the movie is excellent.

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
Breakfast: 1 strawberry; 1/8th lb sunflower greens
Lunch: 2 T sprouted peas; 1/2 avocado; 3 T sunflower seeds; 3 scallions; 1 tomato; 1 C romaine; Dressing: nama shoyu, black salt, apple cider vinegar, walnut oil
Snack: 16 oz veggie juice
Dinner: 1/4th C pesto from Cafe Gratitude chefing book; 1 1/2 small zucchini spiralized into angel hair pasta; 1 tomato; 5 botija olives; 3 T chia cookie dough

What was Walker about today?
  • Veggie Juice!
  • SUPER Sunflower sprouts - Norman Walker suggests a small amount of sprouts daily for their concentrated absorbable protein and off-the chart amount of nutrients - he often had mung bean sprouts in his breakfast or lunch...

What did I discover today?
I received a question from one of you wonders and wanted to share the answer with everyone.

Q: I want to do a 2-day juice fast. Do you have any juice recipes to recommend that won't cause too drastic a detox? {I'm paraphrasing as I lost our initial email}

A: 2 days of juicing is usually pretty harmless, unless you have a rather extreme condition going on in your body. In that case, it would be best to be under the supervision of a caring holistic practitioner.

Keeping Detox in Mind
  • I wouldn't recommend much fruit juice (16 oz per day should be okay) - such as apple or orange juice - fruit stirs up waste in the body, causing possible annoying detox symptoms like headache, fatigue, and nausea. Fruit juice can also wreak a bit of havoc with the blood sugar, especially if you are just doing juices.
  • For the ultra-mild experience, you may want to use nut milk or blended salads in addition to your juicing. This is a very safe approach and still allows the body a well-deserved rest.
*3 of my favorite Recipes*
  • 3-4 lb carrots, 1 head romaine, 2 handful spinach, and 1 stalk celery - kinda tastes like chocolate milk
  • 1 beet, 3 lb carrot, 1.5 inch ginger - a nice sweet zinger
  • Carrot 16 oz and Cabbage 8 oz
  • Seriously - just put some veggies in the juicer - make sure to add enough carrot to make it num-a-licious and you've got a winner - or at least something drinkable!
Other Juicy-Tippy-Tid-Bits:
  • Watery veggies like cucumber and celery are valuable to include and give you more juice...
  • I am just beginning to dabble into a 'greens only' juice and don't have a winning combination as of yet - however, adding a little lime juice is a trick that works pretty well to dilute the bitter effect. Angela Stokes does green juice daily, and although she doesn't give measurements, you can get a sense of the ingredients from reading her daily food journal.
  • As a nice variety, you might try coconut water with 1 T of green food - Greener Grasses is my absolute favorite for this drink. You usually need to gently blend to discourage the clump-factor.
How much Juice is best to drink?
  • If your goal is to gently cleanse and give the digestive system a rest - drink as much juice as you'd like!
  • If you are exterminating candida - sorry but carrots and apples might be out - granny smith green apples are okay though.
  • If you are on the hunt for Intense Major Detox - well...mostly water and a maybe 2 quarts of juice a day --- greens primarily.

Monday April 27th
The scene: Workday at The Raw Food World. Changing phone companies - gave me trouble. I was able to practice spiritual patience for almost two hours - then my human wanted to kick some 'reach out and touch someone' ass.

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: ----
Lunch: 32 oz veggie Juice; 2 T chia cookie dough
Dinner: 1/4th C pesto from Cafe Gratitude chefing book; 1 1/2 small zucchini spiralized into angel hair pasta; 1 tomato; 5 botija olives
PM: 1/2 C chia cookie dough; 32 oz veggie juice

What was Walker about today?
  • I LOVE veggie juice! Nothing satisfies quite like it. This blend was heavy carrot and it makes such a difference in my level of fullness and satisfaction. Might not be hard core green, but it works for me! Walker loved carrot juice most of all for its nutrient and healing qualities. Nummers!
What did I discover today?
When we are in relationship, whether it be with our bodies, our loved ones, or the world, there are things we can control, and things we cannot control.
"The 90/10 principle. 10% of life is made up of what happens to you...90% of life is decided by how you react." Stephen Covey

Let the Tantrum BEGIN: Dag-nabit! In the thick of emotion, I dislike very much hearing that my reaction creates the vast majority of my experience, rather then getting to blame life, God, or the people I interpret as pooping on my world. AND the truth gets even more loud and annoying:

"Absolutely everything we do, give, say or even think is like a will come back to us.

I favor the law of attraction when it works in my favor! That sentence gives me the 'boomerang' heebeegeebees! Makes me think. Makes me quiet inside. It's one thing to lash out, its another to realize I'm only ever lashing myself - goes along with the whole We Are One gobbleygoop.
I cannot deny that this Law does offer the gift of considerable freedom from external conditions if I can befriend it. Alright FINE!
Tantrum Complete.

Day 32&33 ----> Becoming Younger

Friday April 24th
The scene: Today I delivered my relationship presentation "How to ask for what you need from the opposite sex". We had lots of laughs and learns. A quickie tipy: Especially when asking support from a man, you will get a much better response by using the words "Would" and "Will" rather than "Could" and "Can". Example: "Could you take the trash out?" vs. "Would you take the trash out?" Don't believe me? It could be fun to ask a man and see which option he prefers - and why! I'd love to read what you found out...

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: ----
Lunch: 3 brazil nuts; leaf dulse; 3 T almond butter; 4 dates
Dinner: little sandwiches of basil, tomato, avocado and flax cracker

What was Walker about today?
  • Water in the morning to flush out the kidneys from detoxing all night
  • OJ - for rebuilding the connective tissue in the joints
What did I discover today?
  • I learned from reading a comment by one of you lovelies that stress can cause cravings for FAT. That was my day today alright. All I wanted since waking up in the morning was FAT. To my credit, I had enough restraint to not go overboard. But I sure wasn't wasting any chewing time on lettuce!
  • I was anxious most of the day anticipating the upcoming presentation I was to give. I've been holding these events for a few months now, and I must say it's getting easier to speak in front of a group about rather vulnerable topics. Practice doesn't make perfect, but it does often make Better!
"I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games.
26 times I've been trusted to take the winning shot...and missed.
I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succ
eed." Michael Jordan

Saturday April 25th
The scene: Garage Sale day! Also our Spring Madrigali singing concert. I hope to have a clip to show you tomorrow!

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: ----
Lunch: 1/2 flax cracker; 3/4 avocado; 1/2 tomato; handful basil; 1/2 bag cheesy kale chips; 2T almond butter; 3 dates
Dinner: 1/2 flax cracker; 3/4 avocado; 1/2 tomato; handful basil; 1/2 bag cheesy kale chips; 1 date

What was Walker about today?
OJ - cool story! I ran out of oranges yesterday, but at my first garage sale stop there were children with an OJ stand. This morning I was Divinely led to my Liquid Sunlight!

What did I discover today?
The last 72 hours has been challenging for me on many levels...I discovered that sometimes I am just too darn sad/stuck/shocked to even meditate. Too broken to engage in healing - just riding the wave until the next swell. There's usually always something deliciously juicy on the other side ---- waiting ---- for me to get there.

Day 30 &31 ----> Becoming Younger

Wednesday April 22nd
The scene: EARTH DAY and Hunny took me to see the new Disney movie: Earth. I helped rehydrate the planet with the tears flowing from my eyes within the first 20 seconds and throughout this cinematic miracle. During opening week, for every ticket sold Disney plants a tree! Thank you mama earth and all life on this planet...thank you, for more than we will ever know. This photo reminds me of a gorgeous life-giving and vulnerable pregnant belly.

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 4 oz tangerine juice; 32 oz veggie juice (celery, romaine, carrot, beet, ginger, fennel)
Breakfast: 4 T chia cookie dough
Lunch: Salad: 1 1/2 C romaine; tahini garlic dressing; 1/4 C kelp noodles; 1 small tomato; 1/3 avocado; 3 x botija olives; 1/4 carrot
Dinner #1: 5 brazil nuts; dulse leaf; 32 oz veggie juice (celery, romaine, carrot, beet, ginger, fennel)
Dinner #2: meat and water from 1 x young coconut
PM: 32 oz mint tea

What was Walker about today?
  • Veggie JUICE! I am starting to feel more habitual with juice in my daily life, and my body sure gets something it's so obvious I can feel it!
  • Lunch was a decent attempt at a Walker salad.
  • Dinner #1 was Walkerish - he would often have lunch or a snack consisting of a handful of nuts and veggie juice.
What did I discover today?
Dinner #1 came and went and I was still hungry.
Dinner #2 came and went and in a few hours I was still hungry.
Once I hydrated and time kept passing, things calmed down. I just had to wait it out.
I had 64 oz of friggin' veggie juice today! What more could my body have wanted???
I'm thinking it was detox, mixed with the stress of preparing for my relationship talk on Friday.
  • Journaling is increasing my awareness of myself and my connection to the whole enchilada of life...after all, everything is one thing - it is energy.
  • Guess what? Strengthening and healing by practicing my Meditation ---> wait for it <--- is becoming a more alluring urge than ---> wait for it <--- eating! After a crushing heartbreak a few years back, I substantially retreated from my relationship with the spirit side of things. Seems like I'm coming back home.
We are of the earth
May we see what we need to see
To bring about heaven here

May we love each other into feeling safe enough to love each other...
*First *Last *and Always*

Thursday April 23rd
The scene:
Sexy dance yoga day! A few weeks ago I couldn't do more than 20 minutes - today we did 45 minutes and the time just flew. Putting the finishing touches on my relationship seminar tomorrow night, "How To Ask For What You Need From The Opposite Sex."

Upon Rising:
32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ---------
Breakfast: 2 x delicious apples; 4 T super food flax dip
Lunch: Salad: 1 C romaine; tahini garlic dressing; 1 small tomato; 2 x botija olives; 3 T almond butter; 2 dates
Snack: 32 oz peppermint tea
PM Snack: 20 oz OJ
: 1 x flax cracker; 2 tsp coconut oil; black salt; 1/2 tomato; 1/4 avocado; 6 large basil leaves

What was Walker about today?
  • Breakfast of fruit and some density in the flax and super food powders
  • OJ is usually in the morning, but I had a hankerin' about 7pm.
What did I discover today?
Tips on OJ drinking. Since being RAW my teeth have gone through the gauntlet. Because of this, I've collected many tips over the years.
Tips for drinking citrus:
  • Use a straw to drink citrus. This gets much of the juice past the teeth.
  • Swish with water after drinking. This gets off much of the acid, but leaves some to activate the natural protective abilities of the teeth.
  • Wait 20 minutes.
  • Brush with toothpaste.
  • If you wait too long to brush, or if you brush right away, enamel is lost.
  • By waiting 20 minutes, the teeth sense they are being eroded and they stimulate enamel building enzymes - so we get back more than we lose!
  • Who would have thunk it, that citrus can actually help us build tooth enamel?

Day 28&29 ----> Becoming Younger

Monday April 20th
The scene: Workday for The Raw Food World and re-grounding after an amazing weekend workshop in LA.

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: 1 strawberry; cheesy kale chips
Lunch: Salad: 1 C romaine; tahini garlic dressing; 1/4 C kelp noodles; 1 small tomato; 3 x peruvian olives; 1/4 carrot
Dinner: Salad: 1 C romaine; tahini garlic dressing; 3 x botija olives; 8 oz tomato bisque soup from Ani's Raw Food Kitchen Book; 3 T chia cookie dough; 1 x power wrap dipped in tahini

What was Walker about today?
Lunch was fairly small and dense - and it was a salad!

What did I discover today?
I ate very late and was overly hungry and stressed. As you can see, I ate just about everything I could get my little open orifice around. To my credit, I did make a salad, which is an improvement from my usual binge routines. How was I able to do that? Pre-made dressing - it was on hand - otherwise my grabby haste would have made that choice impossible.

Tuesday April 21st

The scene: Sexy dance yoga day!

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 32 oz cool peppermint tea
Breakfast: 1 golden delicious apple w/ 3 T super food flax dip
Lunch: 8 oz tomato bisque soup from Ani's Raw Food Kitchen Book; 4 T chia cookie dough; 1 x power wrap; flax cracker w/ lots of coconut oil and salt
Dinner: 16 oz veggie juice
PM: 32 oz peppermint tea

What was Walker about today?
  • I juiced!!! Oh yeah baby - I'm so proud of myself every time I do this. Juicing has proven itself to be the #1 thing I can do to take care of my body -- and when I'm feeling good, I can better love everyone I care about most.
  • Breakfast was nice and lean...and also included many flavors. Walker's salads are structured to provide a variety of produce to the body. The salads are also designed around the theory that many Flavors (sweet, sour, salty, spicy) cause lasting satisfaction.

What did I discover today?
  • Fat-Attack! I don't remember the last time I've taken-in so much fat at one sitting. YIKES! Result: bloated, low energy, painful gas. Couldn't eat dinner, even juice upset my tum-tum. It will be sometime before I partake in tomato bisque again....oily!
  • What's the deal with my fat attraction? It pulls me like a magnet - I guess that's how some people feel about sugar cravings, but biologically speaking, sugar got-to-haves make more sense.
  • I suppose, for me, fat is the quickest way to numb city. If I have an emotion rumbling around that I don't want to feel, fat gets me to fluffy feelings and cloudy mind pretty fast.

"Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no greater investment." Stephen Covey

Day 25,26,27 ----> Becoming Younger

April 18, 19, 20th
The scene: I volunteered with my favorite company - PAX - at a workshop in LA called Men and Marriage. This entry may be particularly helpful for raw food travel ideas.

For 3 days away I made:
2 C thin salad dressing: tahini, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, garlic, water
2 C hempy veggie dip: hempseed, olive oil, lemon, garlic, chia, nama shoyu, brewers yeast, water
2 C super food flax dip: maca, mesquite, lucuma, goji berry, flax, chia, carob, salt - all ground up - I cut apples and dip it in the powder, which tastes a bit like ground up grahm crackers

I brought:
1 head broccoli
1/2 head cauliflower
1 C sugar snap peas
4 smallish tomatoes
1 x package of washed herbs and baby greens I bought from Whole Foods
6 apples
3 bananas
2 qt fresh veggie juice
3 peppermint tea bags
2.5 gallons of purified water
coconut oil

From The Raw Food World:

3 x power wraps - flavors: italian, mexican, and curry
handful of peruvian olives
1 x mineral-rich flax cracker
1 x kelp noodle
yacon slices

Friday April 17th
Upon Rising: 32 oz water; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 32 oz veggie juice
Breakfast: 2 apples; 1/2 C super food flax dip
Lunch: 1 x power wrap; veggies with dip
Snack: 32 oz veggie juice
Dinner: 2 C mixed greens with 1/4 C kelp noodles and dressing; 4 x peruvian olives; flax cracker w/ coconut oil and salt

Saturday April 18th
Upon Rising: 32 oz water; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 32 oz Peppermint tea
Breakfast: 2 apples; 1/2 C super food flax dip
Lunch: veggies with dip; yacon slices
Snack: Banana
Dinner: 4 oz kombucha - had a headache and went to bed w/o eating

Sunday April 19th
Upon Rising: 32 oz water; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 32 oz Peppermint tea
Breakfast: 2 apples; 1/2 C super food flax dip
Lunch: veggies with dip; 1/4 C kelp noodles w/ salad dressing; yacon slices
Snack: 16 oz peppermint tea; Banana
: 1 x power wrap; 2 C greens w/ dressing; flax cracker w/ coconut oil and salt

What was Walker?
  • Water in the mornin'
  • Veggie juice on the first day
  • Breakfast is small and satisfying w/ many tastes present
  • Variety with my mixed greens (there was like 9 different lettuce and herbs in that mix!)

What did I discover?
  • I usually eat more balanced when I'm busy and away from home, with less choices and more to occupy my energy and focus. Less choice can mean freedom sometimes. There are days I look at my dog and wish I could have it that easy - meals prepared and served without choice - he eats healthier than I do!