The scene: Now that I measured my Exterior Property, today I am measuring my house itself for Feng Shui purposes. Hunny and I had a movie marathon and I stayed up way past this princesses bed time!
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: 16 oz OJ
Lunch: 5 pieces onion bread; 1/2 C guacamole (lots of celery); 1 C romaine; 1 roma tomato; tahini garlic dressing; 1 date
Dinner: 4 pieces onion bread; 1/3 C guacamole (heavy celery) 1 young coconut meat and water

- Water - To form Habits I want, I need to set myself up for success. With my morning agua, I put it right by my bedside the night before (actually Hunny does it for me). In the AM, I groggily sit up, put enzymes on my tongue, drink, and lie back down for a nice meditation or further snoozing. I get up when the waters moved through me enough to say, "Time to pee!"

- A few of you have expressed your desire for the chia cookie dough recipe. I can understand why! You must be sensing the sheer awesomeness it possesses for a truly awesome taste experience that will leave you awe struck and muttering the single word "awesome"! ((Kung Fu Panda fan anyone?)) It will be my delight to make a chefing video for you within the week.

- In yesterday's post, I mentioned my friend and Feng Shui Consultant extraordinaire! Dara was more than a bit surprised when I told her the number of subscribers who received the post yesterday. If you have emailed Dara for your Feng Shui Profile, it may take more than 24 hours to find a gift in your inbox. Gracias for your patience...

Friday May 1st
The scene: The lovely Miss Angela Stokes is here for a visit and called a reuniting of our Women's Song Circle - a group I started a few years back which has since taken a bit of a hibernation. At Angela's request, I will be assisting a Women's Song Circle at their wedding festival, and tonight was a chance to be reminded of our favorite songs.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: ------
Lunch: 5 pieces onion bread; 1/2 C guacamole (lots of celery); 1 x bag of cheesy kale chips
Dinner: 4 pieces onion bread; 1/3 C guacamole (heavy celery); 1 C romaine; 1 roma tomato; tahini garlic dressing; 4 dates w/ 2 T almond butter
PM: 8 oz Peppermint tea

- Not a thing.
- Well...I didn't snack, but my meals were so close together that I did overlap; in other words, I think started eating before the previous meal was digested. Overlaping meals causes a traffic collision pile up in the digestive system - a fermentation mess!

- I stayed up late last night, didn't have my OJ this morning, started eating late in the day, onion bread is all I want, haven't juiced in 3 days, and I couldn't stop my munchies.
- Finally I decided to do an enema, even though my movements were moving just fine, if you know what I mean...
- Sweet Relief!!! Evidently, a bit of a healing crisis - junk wanted to get out. If junk doesn't find it's way out, it causes cravings for junk - misery likes company I suppose.
- I truly don't know how people, especially Raw, survive without a way to cleanse the colon when necessary. Whenever we take steps to improve our diet (no matter how small), the body releases waste from the cells - THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT LEAVES THE BODY. The displaced waste has been evicted, and just hangs out on the street and in the alleys of the bloodstream - causing cravings and symptoms of detox. It needs to actually Leave the body through either the skin, urine, or bowels. With the likely deterioration of most people's elimination pathways, having been subjected to a
less than optimal diet and lifestyle, it's a bit optimistic to think the body can do a great job without any assistance.
- I thank God for enemas. That's just the bottom line truth. I say it Loud and I say it Proud!
- A few decades ago, there used to be an enema bag on the back of nearly every door in America. It was a healing tool for bad temper, insomnia, colds, tummy aches - for young and old lovelies alike. The humble pink bag of power.