The scene: Working 5 days the next 1-2 weeks to help out my work partner Jack - he's doing a cleanse and needs some detox time off. Been really looking for and loving PHONE or IN-PERSON conversations with friends lately. Super fulfilling.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: 3/4 bag kale chips
Lunch: 2 C cream of zucchini soup from Alive in 5; sunflower sprouts; sugar snap peas; 2 radishes; 2 x botila olives
Dinner: Mulberries

- Water - don't get out of bed until I have it - not even at the persistent urging of my puppy wanting breakfast - water 1st!
- OJ

- I'm now convinced that exercise gives energy. Growing up I was very sporty - dancing, volleyball, basketball, tennis, horse polo, ranching, swimming, biking, rollerblading. I was an extremely active youth and young adult.
- All that stopped when I hurt my knee Junior year and needed surgery. Since then, my activity level has been minus
cule. My energy levels plummeted, but I never made the connection.
- I started to label myself as a 'low energy' person -- "door stop dog" kinda energy. Over the last month I've done more consistent exercise then I have in the last 10 years. Funny how I never put Exercise & Energy together in the same equation.
- Because moving my body was such a regular in my life, I never noticed what it gave to me and my quality of living.
- Furthermore, I was playing, not exercising - the two seemed entirely unrelated! Now I understand that if I'm tired, it could very well be time to ask, "OK, how long will I need to exercise to feel energetic again?"

Tuesday May 26th
The scene: Working....sexy dance yoga in the morning. Potluck in the evening to welcome back a girlfriend who's spent the last few months in Mexico. We sat, ate, loved and watched the sun set on our faces...we didn't turn on the lights until it got dark.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: 8 oz veggie juice
Lunch: 3 C tomato spinach soup from Raw Foods for Busy People; sunflower sprouts; sugar snap peas; 2 radishes; 2 x botila olives
Snack: 16 oz veggie juice
Dinner: Potluck with friends; pesto zucchini pasta; beautiful mixed green salad; onion bread and cashew zinger spread; mulberry pudding

- Liquids! Water; OJ; Veggie Juice
- Eating with loved ones
- Variety at lunch was really good.

- Naps after work feel so delicious! Completely rejuvenating and relaxing. I thi
nk especially for us women, naps are a wonderful massage for our beings.
- Walking with my dog at night connects me with the earth. Looking up at the stars, feeling the warm night air on my skin, seeing my dog become one with the smells and bushes. I use this night time to meditate and connect with my Spirit. Again, a very powerful time, particularly for women. The moon opens us to a power within.
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