The scene: Even more mulberry picking! The season is almost over for this particular berry. Little Shanti, my goddaughter (and your raw video superstar), enjoyed harvesting for the first time in her life...she wants to go again.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ
Breakfast: 16 oz veggie juice
Lunch: romaine; creamy dressing; 1 x tomato; 3 x botila olives; 5 sugar snap peas; 6 macadamia nuts
Dinner: Mulberries!
Dinner 2: 2 x bags of kale chips; 1 x onion bread; 1 x power wrap; 8 oz veggie juice; 1 x 'Everything Raw' white chocolate bar

- My liquids!
- I am so proud of myself for veggie juicing. It hits the spot like nothing else. Thank you Dr. Walker...

- Binge night! I would have had 2 x blissful desert bars after dinner, but I couldn't find the other one in my purse (grin). Maybe I'll find it some hungry day in the future.
- After working all week and picking berries, and exercising about 2 hours a day, I found myself pleasantly exhausted. And famished!
- My post-mulberry sugar hangover craved FAT. And for the first time all week, I appeased her appetite.
- My main motivation for non-binging lately has been money (it can be expensive to overeat on raw food!) and sleep - my sleep is a miserable toss-and-turn grueling 8 hours if I eat heavy foods late at night. Talk about retribution!
- Not much guilt here...interesting.
- We'll see what tomorrow brings, eh?

Saturday May 31st
The scene: Nirvana at my Garage $ale$. After not being able to GO to garage sales last week because I was HAVING one myself...this morning was heavenly. Night time involved a costume party, live music, 200 people and a house in the woods. It felt incredibly enlivening. I happily snuck off early at midnight as soon as my Spirit said, okee dokee, that's enough for tonight!
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: ----
Breakfast: petite 'Everything Raw' white chocolate bar
Snack: small handful mulberries
Lunch: 3 T guacamole; 1/4 package onion bread; 1 x italian power wrap; few slices jicama
Dinner: 1/4 C guacamole; 3/4 zucchini cut into rounds for dipping

- Not very big meals - I definitely had energy after eating and wasn't bogged down by my belly.

--Celery Juice (contains melatonin)
--Walking barefoot on the earth (discharges negative ions)
--Reading (the eye movement mimics slumber time)
--Good phone conversation with a friend (empties the mental basket)
--Beat pillows or scream into them (emotional release)
--Cut out caffeine (takes 3 days to get out of system - disrupts sleep chemicals)
--Finish eating before it gets dark (body can relax and digestion can turn off)