Saturday August 8th
The scene: Went with my boyfriend's family to a new raw restaurant. 3 hours and 3 traffic accidents later, we arrived at Irvine's new 118 degrees. Seasonal menu, blends a lot of similar base ingredients but gives each a unique flavoring. My favorite eats of the day was actually a banana and blueberries his sister got me as a late night snack. What can I say? Simple...good!
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz watermelon juice; 6 drops marine phytoplankton; 1 tsp bee pollen
Breakfast: 2 T chia cookie dough; MMS w/ ionic minerals
Snack: 1/2 x asian pear picked off the tree this morning
4pm Lunch: 2 T chia cookie dough; 118 degrees Living Lasagna, salad, little macadamia nut truffle; bites of everyone else's food; and 1/4th of a warmed peach w/ vanilla sauce.
11pm Dinner: 1 banana; 1/2 pint blueberries

- I had juice! w/ added greens.
- Mono-snack meal of 1 kind of fruit
- Eating with friends and family! Oooh yeah digestion - eat that!
- Small dinner of fruit 1-2 lbs fruit

- Family is fantastic - I love feeling like I belong to a tribe. Zachary is the name of my new beau. I'll be introducing you to him over the next little while. His family is NOT Raw. But they graciously suggested we go to a place where I could eat. Tha
t was important to them...I was important to them. I know it was a stretch for them, and I'll always smile at the thought. "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." Mother Teresa.
- Zachary's family was completely out of their element, but opened their minds and hearts to my lifestyle. And they YUMMED out! 'Heaven in my mouth' was a phrase used a few times that afternoon. Out of the 7, not a one didn't like the food...even the teenager who never eats veggies was diggin' in.

Sunday August 9th
The scene: Whew! Farmer's Market. Intensely emotional afternoon with my heart. Biked to Madrigali practice - up

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops
AM: ----
Breakfast: handful grapes; 2 slices of peace; 2 x pieces raw chocolate; 4 x fresh calmyrna figs
Lunch: 4 small pieces raw chocolate; few bites chia cookie dough; 1/4 C kale salad (tomato; kale; avo; lemon; dulse); 1/8th C dehydrated almonds
MMS (needs to be taken on partially empty stomach); 1 capful ionic minerals
Dinner: 4 cherries; 1/2 lb grapes
Late: MMS

- Lunch was concentrated and rather small. I was able to have a nice bike ride after my meal without feeling bogged down digestively.
- Dinner was a mono-fruit meal.

- What I learn every day. That I can only see as far as my next step. Even then I feel like a tipsy fawn taking her first, which I feel is actually kinda of a goo
d sign. If I look to my past to determine my present or future decisions, I may feel in control and not have to deal as much with the unknown, but I'll likely create more moments just like those I've already had. Each moment can be a new creation, if I merely look out at the end of my nose and take into account what I am feeling and experiencing NoW. Trusting that the future will take care of itself, I do the best and freshest I can NOW.
- CACAO high! I had energy and couldn't sleep a wink until about 2am. Woke up fairly rested at 7:45am though...
Hi Michelle! We love your blog and posts!!! Discovered you through Angela Stokes. Would like to interview you for the Women Go Raw West Coast tour. We are documenting the impact that raw foods is having on women's health and women's lives in the U.S. I am a naturopath traveling in a BioDiesel, Solar Powered RV...Can we schedule interview with you for early September? Will you be in Ojai then? Blessings, Ariel ariel@womengoraw.com Couldn't find a contact us button here...