The scene: Sexy dance yoga is Back! My work-out buddy is done with teaching summer school so we have resumed our decadent morning cat stretches. Zachary was completely generous and drove me to work with my bike in the trunk so I could cycle home. Going for the whole not-too-much-just-enough-exercise-balance (wink).
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ; 6 drops Marine Phytoplankton; 1 tsp bee pollen
Breakfast: 1/2 lb grapes; handful dehydrated flavored almonds (chili powder, lemon, nama shoyu, himalayan salt, garlic powder, coconut oil, agave/honey)
Lunch: 1 C Heaven on Earth salad leftovers; 1/2 mineral rich flax cracker; 2 x peruvian olives;
1/2 Life Force chocolate bar; 1 x Japanese power wrap stick; 20 x chlorella nuts
Dinner: 2 C Kelp noodles, 1/2 zucchini spiralized, tomato, red pepper, cilantro w/ spicy thai sauce from Cafe Gratitude chefing book; dehydrated onions; 1 piece onion bread; 1 date

- Meal of 1/2-1lb fruit, wait 20 minutes and then a handful of nuts...that's Walker to a 'T'.
- Lunch has entirely too much fat - Walker salads are mostly a gorgeous arrangement of fruit, veggies and a bit o' fat.

- WoW do I feel better after a good b.m. (short for p**p). At least once a day I'm reminded about the importance of colon cleansing and how tied into our well being that 5 feet of flexi-tubing really is.
- While zooming by on my cycle, the majority of people I pass are 60-70-80 year olds - walking their pooch companions, jogging topless humming to ipods, glistening with sweat and summer, or just strolling along with a buddy in the silence of their friendship. Age used to frighten me. Now I covet its blessings and strength. Thank you precious ones...

Wednesday August 26th

The scene: Zachary's 36th Birthday was today...We laughed so hard that I went hoarse! After what felt like a gazillion errands around town with a girlfriend, Zachary and I went out and had a great time hunting for treasures in thrift and used book stores.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ; 6 drops Marine Phytoplankton; 1 tsp bee pollen
Breakfast: 1 x banana; handful flavored dehydrated almonds; sparkly water
Lunch: parsley/hemp tabouli; Rawviolis from Mary's Secret Garden
Dinner: 1 C Kelp noodles, 1/2 zucchini spiralized, tomato, red pepper, cilantro w/ spicy thai sauce from Cafe Gratitude chefing book; 1 date

- Banana and nuts work pretty well. Like dried fruit and nuts, if in small quantities. Otherwise it will ferment. Juicy fruit and nuts are best eaten 20-30 minutes apart.

The last few days I've been reeling with how to stop snacking and why it was that I was so out of control.
This morning I woke up, finally feel free of the "chomps".
And it doesn't feel like it's because of any one thing I did or didn't do. Just passed. That's the way sometimes. I won't always be able to answer the "whys".
This pendu

I can tend to get anxious and tense after a mere few meals of overeating...thoughts like needing to fast, stop eating fat, go camping in the woods w/ no food for a few days...
When really what there is to do in some cases is: Just surrender, be gentle with myself, and wait for the tide to go out again.
However, it was good to reflect on any potential areas of imbalance. I've made some changes and feel better. A few minutes of attention to our weak links can go a long way.
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