Thursday June 25th
The scene: Working the Raw World phones for Jack because he's doing a cleanse this week. We took this photo at the Raw Union festival this weekend. Oh how We Love to Giggle!
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz Grapefruit Juice; 1/8 tsp stevia
Breakfast: ----
Lunch: 24 oz veggie juice; large handful of soaked and dehydrated almonds; few nori snacks; 1 x decadence cacao bar
Snack: 10 incan berries (and Incredible Vitamin C kick -- Fun Food!) ; 1 piece snakaroon
Dinner: hodge podge salad; 6 sun-dried tomato flax crackers from a friend

- Water
- Citrus Juice
- Veggie Juice and nuts for lunch was a favorite combo for Norman Walker. He'd usually add a bit of dried fruit - well...I added a different kind of decadence :)

- Grapefruit juice is supposedly a great insomnia 'natural cure'. Well, lemme tell you what...it's working for a stress reliever too! I've been super chill all day, like that delightful dream space right after I stir from slumber. My physical senses are heightened and my brain has a pleasant hummm, with none of the frantic energy I sometimes experience while working.
- Specific nutrients make a difference in how we feel, go figure...
- I've been listening to the Raw Mom Summit. I don't have kids as of yet, but I am a proud mama-wanna-be. Passion is always ignited when it comes to our children, eh? It's fascinating the value I'm receiving and putting in my tool kit - about raising Raw children in a cooked world; about how I myself can improve my raw lifestyle; about making RAW fun for kids; and how to be a good guardian for children who aren't even mine.
- It's FREE, it's happening for the next 3 days, and it's valuable for raising our consciousness.
- This photo is of me and my daddy! I love you Papa Bear...

Friday June 26th

The scene: Whistling while I work, once again. Planning a super fun and connected weekend. I put purple onions and sprouted green peas in my salad - not good for my little belly. Feeling like a balloon that's going to burst.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops
AM: ----
Breakfast: handful of soaked dehydrated almonds; 3 x dates; 1/2 peppermint truffle
Snack: 27 oz veggie juice
Lunch: hodge podge salad; a few cheesy almonds; 1/2 snackaroon
Dinner: 1 x bag cheezy kale chips

- Water
- Veggie Juice!

Wanted to share a SUPER neato gift that was given to me at the Raw Union Festival. It's *sparkling* henna. My hand, now without sparkles, still has the henna markings and will last another 5-6 days. The Bride, Angela, got 'bridal henna' over her arms, shoulders, hands, feet and lower legs. There is also traditio

Raw Mom Summit bit of interesting Trivia: In bygone years, beer was the beverage of choice and gave men a testosterone boost, which translated into increased sexual drive. Fearing this, the church activated the Beer Purity Act. In this act, Hops became a main ingredient of beer. Why is this so pivotal and shocking? Hops is one of The Most Estrogen Containing substances on the planet! Too much estrogen in men causes: erectile dysfunction; decreased sex drive; a more feminine shape; and the development of breast tissue - to name a few. The church was feminizing MEN to curb their lustful appetites. Hops is still in today's favorite guzzling brews. How's that for a factoid?
Standing for Men being Men - wholly and naturally, perfect just as they are...
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