The scene: went to bed super duper late - woke up late as a result. HUNGRY!
Upon Rising - 1 tsp therapeutic enzymes; 32 oz water with alkalizing pH drops
AM - 16 oz fresh squeezed OJ
Breakfast - flax cracker with coconut oil and black salt; 3 x small dates w/ almond butter
Lunch - 4 T almond red pepper hummus; flax cracker; 2 baby carrots; 1/2 C Kombucha;
Dinner - 3 T almond red pepper hummus; flax cracker; 1/2 C broccoli dipped in 1 T tahini dressing
PM - 1 C Kombucha; 24 oz water with alkalizing pH drops

- Small dense meals
- No snacks
- I stopped eating when I got a bit nauseated - Walker generally recommends only eating when you feel good - not over top of stress or discomfort in your belly.

- Sleeping was such a bother! I had a totally restless night. Why? CHOCOLATE! Angela Stokes revealed in her blog about a Blood Test done before and after ingesting Cacao. The photos SHOW the damage done to the cells in the body - how is it possible that people are touting the benefits of this stuff?
- Waking up late makes me ravenous! I went straight for the FAT and was nauseous for a few hours. In the past, I was triggered to eat more to try and take away the feeling --- kinda like the saying, "If you have a pain in the head, get rid of it by having someone hit you in the stomach." Silly right? Plan B, Walker style, was to just endure and wait for it to pass. Better plan, much better plan.
- I'd really like to start making Walker Salads from his book. Farmer's Market is tomorrow. I'll start gathering some of the ingredients.

Upon Rising - 1 tsp therapeutic enzymes; 32 oz water with alkalizing pH drops
AM - no OJ this morning - ran out of liquid sunshine fruits
Breakfast - 1 x fugi apple; 3 x small dates w/ almond butter
Lunch - flax cracker with coconut oil and black salt; 1 C salad with arame seaweed, mixed greens, 1 T red pepper, 1/3 tomato; Tahini Dressing: tahini, nama shoyu, garlic, apple cider vinegar
Dinner - potluck menagerie - overate a bit
PM - 24 oz water with alkalizing pH drops

- Small meals - except dinner
- No snacks

- No concentrated greens and No OJ make Michelle an unhappy camper. By concentrated greens I mean veggie juice and/or green food. Whenever I eat a salad, I don't really feel the green nourishment, I feel the fiber. Although, with blended green salads/
soups I do feel the green goodness seeping in.
- I've gotten more used to small meals - an extra large dinner came as a shock to my system. I stopped way earlier than I would have before starting to Walk the Walker Way. The body adjusts so quickly. Kind of like playdough, eh?
Hi Michele,
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate these blog posts.
after hearing your story and knowing that you have been raw for 5 years, I assumed that you had it mostly together. But the journey continues for you. I see that even not knowing the whole path still has given you such benefits. It gives me hope that even though I am figureing it out, nature will still take care of me. This is good news! I look forward to continuing the read. Thankyou.