Thursday August 6th
The scene: Miss me? My creative soul has been yearning to share in its own small way. The bottom line is that I receive good feelings by being involved in this expression. And my greatest desire of course, is that it is touching your life somehow, rippling out to create the world we all most want to live in.
"If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it." Mother Teresa
Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ; 6 drops marine phytoplankton; 1 tsp bee pollen; 1 T freddie's blend probiotics
Breakfast: 5 brazil nuts; small handful dulse leaf; MMS
Lunch: 20 oz veggie juice; handful cherry tomatoes; 4 x luna crackers; 1 peppermint truffle
Snack: 24 oz watermelon juice
Dinner: 2 C Ensalada w/ tahini garlic dressing; 1/4 small homemade pickle (my first batch!); 2 x luna crackers; 3 x herbed peruvian olives

Walker considered sprouts, seaweeds, ocean water and Juicing to be the ultimate

- I've been biking recently to work and back. Today I biked just to go have lunch with my new wonderful beau who works downtown. I have the ayurvedic body type known as Kapha. Exercise is like Cat Nip to me and for most with a Kapha body type (although we generally resist exercise, like a couch potato resists getting up to change the channel on the tv...typically we Kaphas have to overcome an unusually high amount of inertia to get off our duffs)! Stress management, weightloss, energy are all coming so easily now with about 3 rides a week (14 miles each).
- This last two months has been flooded with relationship flow changes. Ebbing tides and whirlpools, tears, storms and crashing waves - beautiful surf and streaks of sunset waters. One thing I must share from my heart is that I have humble and complete gratitude for the power of PAX at understandmen.com.
- My previous relationship with Joshua was a teacher of many things and took hits and bullets so that the next chapter for both our lives could thrive, albeit separately.
- Unfortunately, we had passed the point of willingness to be rescued. If we knew at the start what we know now, after all the education we received from PAX, our future's would likely have gone the way of "happily ever after".
- Thankfully looking forward however, it's now possible for me to embrace and live my dream of love everlasting, with the man I choose and the man who chooses me.
- For the prayer I have for your dreams of LOVE coming True, I full-beingly invite you to look into the gifts PAX has to offer and attend a Free 3-hour
evening for ladies (if it's in your area). If you are single: Ladies I encourage you to purchase the Making Sense of Men book or if you Guys and Gals are searching for your mate or are in a pre-marriage relationship, In Sync With the Opposite Sex CD set is a LoveSaver! Understanding Women will put any Man far ahead of the pack for making a woman happy and finding her strange ways precious rather than frustrating. For those of you doves already hitched, Keys to the Kingdom or The expanded addition of The Amazing Development of Men is quite revealing. Finally, I stand by the *MIRACLES* of any stage Woman attending the 2-day course Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women.
Thank you for allowing me to share my advice from the trenches with you. As the rather wry humored quote goes:

The scene: Raw Photo shoot off the side of the road with my big white dog,

Upon Rising: 32 oz water w/ alkalizing pH drops; 1/2 tsp therapeutic enzymes
AM: 16 oz OJ; 6 drops marine phytoplankton; 1 tsp bee pollen; 1 T freddie's blend probiotics
Breakfast: small handful of walnuts and hunza raisins
Lunch: 32 oz watermelon juice
Snack: 3 fresh figs; MMS
Dinner: zesty dehydrated almonds; freeze-dried durian; a few carrots with tahini garlic dip; 3 bites kale/avo/tomato salad
Later: MMS

- Lots of hydrating liquid.
- Spent a good amount of time in the sunshine, so appetite low and thirst high.

- Love is a Choice. And a Gift. It's a commitment that must be re-chosen every day. In the movies and fairy stories True Love just happens, no choice about it, and it stays, no choice necessary. Up until 2 days ago, I thought Love was only a Gift and didn't have to be chosen or committed to. This is one of those lessons I'll probably tell my children and they'll have no idea what I'm talking about until they have the experience. Just like when my mama said to me, "You have to love yourself before you can ever really love someone else." I'm still working on that one mama...but your words have been a guiding star.
- Watermelon Juice: I juice EVERYTHING! The rind, seeds, and sweet juicy center. Cut the rind from the juicy middle. Make the pieces about 3 x 3 inches for blending ease. Put the juicy parts in first to get the mixture moving. You'll need to press fairly hard in the Vitamix Blender to start things going. Once blended smooth, squeeze watermelon through a nut milk bag. Keeps 2 days in the fridge and Oh so refreshing!
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