Sunday July 5th
The scene: Vrroom Vroom back to the city on the motorcycle with papa. Ate at Karyn's Corner buffet - fabulous and unforgettable. {Karyn, now 60, is known for being one Hot Raw Lady --- I think the photo deserves a 'you betcha'!} My parents and two carnivorous buddies accompanied me to the buffet - they like to make fun of the strange substances I put into my belly (brats). My dad actually ordered the buffet with me this time. He smiled and had seconds. GAME DAY was right after the feast. We played until the wee hours of the night and I'm happy to say my sister Moose and I remain the Untouchable Undefeated Pictionary Champines. My voice went hoarse with laughter and the memories, well, they'll be with me for that thing called 'ever'.
Upon Rising: 32 oz water
AM: 20 oz veggie juice
Breakfast: ---
Lunch: Karyn's Buffet
Dinner: 1/2 lb cherries; 45 minutes later: 4 T guacamole, carrot sticks, 8 walnuts dipped in mustard, a few hunza raisins

- Liquids in the morning...(had to stop my dad twice on the motorcycle so I could get out and pee!)
- Eating surrounded with the love of family - of course after dinner they started a heated debate about politics and I went outside to floss --- didn't want to disturb m
y digestion.

- Inspiring quote for me the last few days: "A good boundary is to talk about a person the same way we talk to that person." It's a bit humorous holding myself to this standard as I've had to reach out and clamp my mouth a few times!
- I learned that the salad bar at Whole Foods (at least here in Illinois, but possibly country wide) no longer carries Organic ingredients. Congress passed a law that requires Organic produce to be totally separate from Conventional foods (which Whole Foods cozily calls 'Natural'), rinsed in a separate sink with purified water, blah blah blah.
- Traveling in the Raw just got a bit trickier.

Monday July 6th

Upon Rising: 32 oz water
AM: 20 oz veggie juice
Breakfast: ---
Lunch: Whole Foods - 1/2 C seaweed and cabbage sesame oil salad; 1/4 C guacamole, 1/2 zucchini cut in rounds, and 1/2 head romaine in lettuce tacos. 1/2 bottle Strawberry Synergy Kombucha.
Dinner: 1.5 C green leaf salad; 2 bites nectarine

Veggie juicey

- I was Novocained. One of my fillings needed to be redone. I'm actually writing this entry on Tuesday night and I still have a head ache and have felt lousy. It's fun to see how good I'm used to feeling!
- A few years ago Mr. Matt Monarch went to the dentist. He came back to Ojai and told me he had gone ahead and had his cavity filled WITHOUT LOCAL ANESTHETIC. He wasn't about to mess around with any side-effects that could happen.
- Our friend and mentor Dr. Fred Bisci had told us of his near-death bout with the Dentist...he was having some work done and needed to be knocked out. As the mask went on and anesthetic gas started pouring into his system, Fred (who has been Raw over 40 years) felt his heart racing and is certain he almost had a heart attack there in the dental chair. Luckily, he managed to S.O.S the Dentist to abort the procedure before it was too late.
- Raw is a Wilderness all its own. We need to discover or re-birth alternative healings for each other, especially for our children. I just don't see another way.
- My Chiropractor here does a version of muscle testing for food sensitivies/allergies and organ strength/weaknesses. Turns out my Spleen is feeling a bit down in the dumps. What does it need? Testing showed she wants Enzymes at every meal and a good quality Echinacea tincture. Works for me!
- I so honor those in this world who have learned to speak true "BODY-Language".
wow! I have been reading your blog for a while now and it totally amazes me how little you eat! I'm 19 years old, 5'1, I have been raw for a year now and I eat WAY more than you.. more than I should I'm sure.. but I can't even imagine cutting down my food consumption to as much as you! Any tips? Thanks, Meg
ReplyDeleteFunny how so much is relative. In my swirling circle of light friends here in Ojai, what I eat is above average in terms of quantity and calories. 19 years old, you are probably very active --- not me so much. Every Body is different. Do you feel good? That's the first question that should be on our lips before thinking about what's going to go Through our lips (grin). You may not think so, but you are young yet and don't need to really spend too much energy on quantity just now (unless you are binging emotionally - then that's good to look at). In my opinion, as long as you're in-taking enough minerals and greens, you will be guided by your body and will naturally come to desire less food as the years flow by.